Welcome to what may be the most amazing and empowering website you can find, with Ruby's Rubies, the Godfather of EyeCandy and Shortcuts
The Path of Amazing Success is so vast that each keyboard button will bring you to another Mr-Shortcut domain.
EVERY LETTER OR NUMBER OR CHARACTER takes you to a different Mr-Shortcut website!
THAT'S how important your success is, from the Path of Amazing Success to the Psychology of Shortcuts and all sites in between
Ruby's Rubies are those PowerGems, those magnificent shortcuts that work in every facet of human life.

    Masters & Millionaires           HotClick            GW Bush         Scandal!        

Ruby 3 -- Masters and Millionaires Success Shortcuts

You did not stop because you failed;     You failed because you stopped.

When making it your business to try something ten different times, no matter what the probability of success is, that probability will at least quadruple when you try it 30 times!! Do not underestimate the power of this seemingly simplistic statement. It relates to the law of accumulation, and cannot fail. When the sculptor splits the stone after seven hundred strikes with the chisel, did you really think it was that seven hundredth attempt that did it? Not so. It was the accumulated energy of seven hundred separate attempts.

Whatever number of efforts you gave yesterday, Winning, REQUIRES that you increase that number, and then increase it again. Whatever your average number of tries per week is, increase that number by just 10% per week for the next ten weeks, and you are guaranteed to double your results again and again and again. You can actually become a'star' in the next 100 business days with the use of this one simple, powerful method. It is used consistently by the top producers in your industry.

Yes, become a star in days:
if you want it enough, you WILL go that extra step... ... thirty and forty and even a hundred times and beyond.

You will succeed no less than 80% of the time. Those probabilities good enough for you?

You are now visiting the most exciting personal web site on earth. with
1,000,000 web pages - just for you!

© EasyStreet, USA by Mister-Shortcut for the Path of Amazing Success
Naturally, all rights reserved for those who feed starving people.
 Path of Amazing Success Help TheHungerSite Button

Bernie Kellogg, obm, lives on through this work. DO more with your mind!!!
As well, Oprah... proof that persistence overcomes resistance.

As for Paul Newman and Howard Stern, these two men are masters of shortcuts; world-class masters, in fact.
Kudos to Howard Stern for keeping me sane day after day, and doing more for people than most of us would think.
To Paul Newman, the only man in history to feed more starving people than Mister-Shortcut,
no words could suffice. Paul Newman's legacy will live on for generations and generations.
If EVER someone in our generation earned canonization, it would have to be Paul Newman.

We don't want you to choke, so here's a tiny taste of your .

Scroll down and begin your EyeCandy journey into success.

  Remember 911day.     Keep our heroes alive by  LIVING,   DOING  more!   
  Keep our heroes alive by  LIVING,   DOING  more!    Remember 911day.  

Welcome to the most electrifying and empowering website on earth<,
and winner of countless web design awards. This is also the eye candy capital of the world.
the Path of Amazing Success of Masters and Millionaires.

Ruby's Rubies (Ruby's Rubies) -- Path of Amazing Success Masters and Millionaires Success Shortcuts

With 1,000,000 pages on over a thousand websites, every bell, whistle, color and... shortcut...
brought to you compliments of MrShortcut, and, of course,
the greatest, most powerfully effective shortcuts of champions and millionaires, masters and billionaires.
These hundreds of thousands of Godfather of EyeCandy creations,
beginning with The Path of Amazing Success and Amazing Health Approach,
filled with YOUR healthiest shortcuts to Longevity
exist because knowing more leads to better decisions and better results.
Every generation shows us to have unusual individuals who understand nobility, producing at high levels,
while determined to channel the fruits of their productivity towards helping people to help themselves.

One does not need to be a Mother Theresa or Paul Newman to master the most powerful strategies for success,
This is an absolute fact of life, and has not changed throughout all of human history.
For reasons best explored elsewhere, the majority of people act selfishly first,
and then consider helping others. That's a start, one worth building on.
The more you include the impact of your actions on others,
the more you will realize that everything is reciprocal.
Whatever you choose to do or not do today,
is GUARANTEED to have consequences.
Mutual consequences.

More than ever before,
in order to benefit you and yours,
the time has come to recognize that your interest is mine,
that my interests feed and nourish the results in your own life.
As the world operates evermore interactively, shrinking vast distances,
those who produce at high levels with mutual interest at heart end up with the most success,
enjoying personal comforts and pleasures while provisioning the future of their children and grandchildren,
leaving so much to be invested into helping those who are having trouble helping themselves and their children.

This method of superceding greed for bags of money with desire to serve and empower assures the greatest success.
The Path of Amazing Success exists because the more you learn, the more and better you can live... and give.
The Path of Amazing Success is free for your life because the vastness of its power is already in you.
Your very life and the hundreds of tasks you have already masterered,
your wins and losses and the times that you give up or persevere,
these are all avatars of the Way Of Shortcuts To Win,
How little or great your results become,
are now and forever tied to you,
to your thoughts and actions,
based on what you do
in the next minute.

MisterShortcut XXI     MisterShortcut XXII     Mr-Shortcut.com     Mister-Shortcut.com    

Shortcuts And Still Greater Shortcuts Domains

One-Shortcut.US - One-Shortcut Into YOUR Path of Amazing Success  
DoctorShortcut.com -   DoctorShortcut Secrets Of Masters And Millionaires
  Doctor-Shortcut Helps You Help Yourself - Path of Amazing Success AND Amazing Health Handbook
 DoctorShortcut Edifies Us So YOU Can Help Yourself More Effectively... and then the helpless, too
Mister-Shortcut.com -   Mister-Shortcut - Godfather of EyeCandy and Shortcuts With The Best in Self-Empowerment.
MoreShortcuts.info -   More Shortcuts Translated Into More Path of Amazing Success - Accomplish More Goals With Fewer Steps
Shortcut.ws -   Shortcut after shortcut in your own perception of the Path of Amazing Success
Shortcuts.Me -   Shortcuts At And From The Path of Amazing Success Are Me... with sharing
Dr-Shortcut.com -   Dr-Shortcut Prescribes More Path of Amazing Success for YOU, too

Dr-Shortcut.info -   Dr-Shortcut Wants You To Help And Heal Yourself Rapidly With The Amazing Health Handbook
Mr-Shortcut.com -   Mr-Shortcut - Path of Amazing Success Self-Empowerment Shortcuts
Mr-Shortcut.net -   Mr-Shortcut EyeCandy And PowerGems Wisdom

Mr-Shortcut.org -   Mr-Shortcut With Path of Amazing Success PowerGems - Best Shortcuts To Share With All Humankind
Shortcut.name -   The aims of these interconnected networks are PowerGems - shortcuts to every name
Shortcuts.ws -   Shortcuts Is Such A Delicious One Word Domain - for true lovers of true shortcuts!
MisterShortcut.com -   MisterShortcuts Urges You To Get One Percent Better Each Day
MisterShortcuts.info -   MisterShortcuts Advises More Path of Amazing Success
Mister-Shortcut.US -   Mister-Shortcut Wants You To Succeed Faster Using PowerGems
MisterShortcut.Me -   MisterShortcut - Take Me Into The Path of Amazing Success
MisterShortcut.org -   MisterShortcut Rich EyeCandy BrainCandy Invitations
MisterShortcut.US -   MisterShortcut Has Your Self-Empowering Secrets
sho.rtcuts.com -   Shortcuts From Rtcuts

    - -     Again, a delicious PRE-TLD SweetDomain for Domainists and Shortcuts
sho.rtcuts.net -  
- Because these PowerGems were brought from the US, while existing across lands and cultures
hortcuts.com     - At the Path of Amazing Success, hortcuts transmogrify into shortcuts, achieved as if by some kind of magic
S.hortcuts.com -   quite conceivably the most delicious PRE-TLD of all time, where hortcuts developed into www.S.hortcuts.com
    - - because it starts off with great hortcuts, and, with perspiration, can then mature into full-blown Shortcuts!
S.hortcuts.net -   How could no one take hortcuts.com or hortcuts.net? Get YOUR S.hortcuts at the Path of Amazing Success
MisterShortcut.net -   The Godfather of EyeCandy and Shortcuts, MisterShortcut brings you the greatest shortcuts

MisterShortcut.info -   Another wonderful self-empowerment website from MisterShortcut
Shortcuts.Me.Uk -   Shortcuts Are Me In The Uk Too, and for YOU, when you wish it so
Shortcuts.name -   Shortcuts ARE My Name Thanks To The Path of Amazing Success
Success-Shortcuts.net -   Success Shortcuts Network Of Masters And Millionaires
Success-Shortcuts.com -   Path of Amazing Success Delivers Success Shortcuts
Success-Shortcuts.US -   Path of Amazing Success Presents The Best Success Shortcuts

MisterShortcut.com - MisterShortcut EyeCandy WebSite - (EyeCandy Requires IE, et alia) 
1xx0.com -   What can you say about 1xx0? Sweet little domain - most likely for sale
Regulata.com -  Regulata Is The Rule - so buy THIS brandable sweetdomain
Shapetalk.com - - Path of Amazing Success Shapetalk Capital 
  Become TheUltimate Me
OneWordDomaining.com -  

The Path of Amazing Success is your top-notch source for self-empowerment shortcuts, with the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 
These prove to be the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and certainly YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Path of Amazing Success is here for your life.
Shortcuts unlock most every venue on earth, when you train, and use the PowerGems most of all.

If and when you reach the point of yearning to learn how to succeed faster,
how to succeed in the same manner as those you have most admired over time,
then you must know that teaching yourself how to succeed, based on success rules,
is better than blindly heeding advice of another, however well-intentioned they may be.

The Path of Amazing Success is YOUR Way Of Shortcuts To Win.
Each of these healthiest websites are a part of the Psychology of Shortcuts,
your own place to examine the best thoughts of the best achievers among us,
where the Godfather of Shortcuts uses interactive fun, EyeCandy, to promote your success.
Showing us what you can do is so much more impressive than telling us what you can do.
Do you recognize that you have only accomplished a fraction of what you are here to do?
With several million unpaid minutes of superlative focus building The Path of Amazing Success
here's proof right in front of your eyes of the power and fruit of using great shortcuts.

When is it your turn to enjoy a better life?

Using any one or more PowerGems within the Path of Amazing Success repeatedly
is guaranteed to produce faster and better results for you.   Let's do it, hm?

The Path of Amazing Success is a part of the mother of all websites,
the Psychology of Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires.
Free for your life, MisterShortcut hopes you find
at least some of the thousands of hidden treats
spread throughout hundreds of thousands
of unique web pages created for YOU
by the Godfather of Shortcuts,
the Godfather of EyeCandy,

Stop wasting so much time!

You get ten thousand minutes per week!
How many are the best of your minutes?
Ten thousand separate opportunities, every week of your life.

Do you really want to know the difference between you and the wealthy?
They make a habit of doing the things that you have proven unwilling to do, ey?
Live out your version of the Way Of Shortcuts To Win, your OWN Way Of Shortcuts To Win.

No one knows your joys or pain, not in the order and manner that you live them.
No one else can live for you... ... ... no one else will experience your last minute.
Therefore, treat each day as if it's your last, because that day approaches,
and YOU get to choose to greet it with joy and fulfillment, or mediocrity.
Since the Path of Amazing Success strives incessantly, so can you.

Ruby's Rubies of the Path of Amazing Success
If you find ANY wisdom more powerful than Ruby's Rubies,
embrace that greater wisdom incessantly, energetically,
because those who show best prove to know best.

Ruby's Rubies may well change your life,
whether learning to win, or winning a wife.
Ruby's Rubies are those big secrets that work,
as long as repetition is not something you shirk.
Reach for Ruby's Rubies, as long as you shall live,
and you will find, more than ever, that life can Give!
"Give" is defined here, with a capital G, to emphasize the gift,
because Ruby's Rubies, again and again, can provide you with that extra lift.
So, learn for yourself new Ruby's Rubies, every day that you possibly can,
to become a fan of Ruby's Rubies, whether you are a woman or man.
Excellence never happens accidentally: Winners live on purpose.
The Path of Amazing Success is rich with your Ruby's Rubies.
The more you engage your own Path of Amazing Success,
the more your Path of Amazing Success engages you.
Ruby's Rubies are master secrets of the universe,
specifically, master secrets of YOUR universe.
Live with excellence: Live with intention.
Ruby's Rubies help point out our way.
Live your Path of Amazing Success

Truthfully, getting rid of all the artifices that surround our lives SO COMPREHENSIVELY.
You can make excuses for why you are not at least making world-class effort to get what you need,
or you can make a list of who has the decision-making authority to grant you assistance in your efforts.

You can decide that Ruby's Ruby Number Three is going to change most everything in your current circumstances,
or you can decide to come up with YOUR OWN Ruby's Rubies, because the Path of Amazing Success knows you can.
Better yet, the Path of Amazing Success submits the following evidence that you possess a wealth of the answers you need.

A child of five, six, maybe even seven or older, walks up to you, a child who is related to you in some way, and happens to like you.
If you have no children even marginally investing their attention into you at least occasionally, you miss one of life's great sets of resources.

Either way, a child walks up to you and asks you how you think that child can go about ................... (finish the sentence however you like.

If that child looks up at you with enormous respect and expectation that you are going to produce one or even a list of great answers and ideas,
what percentage of the time will you come up with indisputably excellent answers for the child who KNOWS you have great answers?

You have the answers for a child? Well, the Path of Amazing Success says you have the answers for the child still alive within you.
Everything we do is in the personal role of being a child, an adult, or a parent, which is ridiculously called transactional analysis.
You choose which role you answer in. Respecting yourself, you give yourself too little credit, which steals your opportunities.
The Path of Amazing Success is shaking your brain awake, because your life is rushing past at fantastic speeds of time.

You did not stop because you failed, you failed because you stopped. This is oood for areas of little interest to you.
For anything and everything important to you, the third Ruby's Ruby can alter everything in but one of your days.
Is it important enough to make one extra effort? What is important, we ALWAYS get better at, with practice.
If you are happy with all of your results, ignore the Path of Amazing Success wisdom found in PowerGems.
If you need to accelerate the quantity and quality of your results, live the Path of Amazing Success .

Learn more so you can earn and live more. Learn more so you can live and give more.