Masters and Millionaires Champions and Billionaires ShortcutsIf you have not yet become a master or millionaire, a champion or billionaire, |
Who among us can even imagine such numbers? More to the point, do you believe that millions of successful individuals are wrong? Do masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires know less than you do, or more than you do? The Path of Amazing Success is not a creation of a single human, it is the decocted wisdom of thousands and thousands of people who persistently outperform the rest of the madding crowd, those who are willing to make daily habits of the almost ridiculously easy or simple shortcuts and secrets that continue to work, generation after generation. Can the world fairly learn and earn a greater wisdom by observing, perhaps even imitating, how you're living your life? I hope we can agree that "If you knew this better, you would DO this better." Of the thirty-two questions put by MisterShortcut to 5,200 individual masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires, only three answers came close to being perfectly uniform in the course of these interviews. At the very least, the Path of Amazing Success shares no less than five magnificently pregnant seeds just within this mini-forum, all relating to one of the great master secrets of the universe at your disposal. You form too many opinions too quickly. Prior to overtaxing your mind looking for new resources, first use powers such as the universal Path of Amazing Success PowerGems shared here, which are always and immediately at your instant disposal. Knowing it is virtually useless until it's actually used by you personally to reap the rich, rewarding benefits. |
Answer 5 questions in detail within, say, one hundred hours from right now... IN WRITING... and you are unconditionally guaranteed to reap enormous impact on your life in days or, if you're the dummy of the family, as much as a couple of weeks. With specific and positive results being about as certain as sunshine, half your battle (worrying about whether something will work for you), is unnecessary. President, janitor, first-year student or manager; housewife or household word: this program works for every human being who uses it. HUGE results at a highly accelerated pace. Absolutely guaranteed. Because they are the shortcuts and techniques of our universal role models, literally thousands and thousands of masters, and most of our seven million millionaires, the PowerGems that are found within these pages populate the most guaranteed system of success on earth. They are from what your Grandpa might call the horse's mouth. You can tolerate a quote from a beloved grandfather, can't you? ..."If you're not getting it from the horse's mouth, maybe you're spending too much time at the wrong end of the horse."Remember, these shortcuts, and the approaches that incorporate such shortcuts, are obviously more powerful than you accustomizing to making us. These soon-to-be-obvious universal shortcuts are so powerful, so very fast-acting, that the people who use these 'magic tricks' cannot possibly fail; they can only stop their forward motion by not acting upon them. We do not quit something because we failed at it. We fail the moment that we quit doing something. Having shortcuts at your disposal are useful only insofar as you remember that the word 'useful' means 'full of use." With persistence, these shortcuts yield improved results, quickly. We've produced an average of more than 10,000 new millionaires per week in America for 7 years. Isn't it your turn? Look at any human in our history who has demonstrated repeat excellence: PRETTY MUCH EVERY SINGLE ONE! They themselves are telling us how they do it!
seven MILLION individual millionaires, of measurably greater significance is the fact that approximately six million of these people aren't merely worth a million, they report annual incomes in excess
of a million dollars. I have trouble visualizing six hundred thousand millionaires in one country; how can there be yet another ten GROUPS of six hundred thousand people who are currently earning a million or more dollars per year? What is YOUR reputation? Do you talk and walk in your own Path of Amazing Success ? Right now, hush up, and answer: What was the last thing you did to earn the respect of your peers? _________________________ This is what your reputation is is based upon, as in "Yeah, but what did you do for me lately?" Between the ages of 76 and 94, Anna Mary Robertson, better known as
Grandma Moses, painted a good bit beyond six hundred masterpieces, and later, nearly 400 more. She even illustrated "The Night Before Christmas" when she was 100. She found a better place in life. You are assured by your own automatic Path of Amazing Success that you will too, in as little as days or even minutes when the fire burns brightly enough in your heart. From successful gardeners or rappers, masters and masters and always follow the rules of masters as long as they wish to remain among the ranks of masters. Even if you only use a fraction of what is shared at the Path of Amazing Success, or the multiple gems just within this little neighborhood the Path of Amazing Success, there are surely not less than dozens of shortcuts that are as good as tailor-made, just for you, in YOUR particular career field, whether you're a household word, or housewife, a Harrier jet pilot or a hooker, a typist or a tyrant: this is the best day to create a useful map, recipe, blueprint, because even more convincing than my own use, or my students' successful use of these high-powered shortcuts: Name 1000 role models of this generation. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM uses most or all of these PowerGems... shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires. |
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Msgr "Bernie" Francis Kellogg. No empowerment web site is complete without acknowledging the enormity of Paul Newman's deeds. Only a precious few get to change the world. Earned a hundred million dollars profit outside of his acting career as a superstar, and gave every dime to feed hungry people. Click to feed someone today... at no cost to you! |