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Success Shortcuts of Masters & Champions

Can you imagine yourself in a room filled with dozens of your favorite masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires?

If you CAN imagine yourself with such an august, important (to you) gathering, and you were free to ask a hundred questions, what would those questions be?

Yes, asking all one hundred questions, especially asking them repeatedly of many people among strictly people that you personally admire, would likely help vault you into world-class mastery within a hundred days or so.

What may surprise, even astound you, is how quickly YOU get to move forwards and upwards by asking even one or two or three of those questions repeatedly.

As for access to such people, well, the Path of Amazing Success assures you that you already have access to perhaps thousands and thousands of people who are doing something at world-class in virtually any and every conceivable category. More than that, the Path of Amazing Success within you is your warrant and assurance.

From Mark Cuban, one of the most exciting and helpful humans YOU are likely to meet, billionaire extraordinaire who puts his personal email out on the internet for anyone to write to him. Naturally, getting a response from such an august individual, one who can profoundly help you change your world for the better... in a hot minute or less... to hundreds and often thousands of experts in any field you pick, expertise is there for the asking. Talk about opportunities banging on YOUR door!

Just, however, just as you see with men who never get dates with beautiful women simply and exclusively because they never ask for a date, or come close, eliminating them from the game of courtship entirely before the "game" even begins, you, too, get no home runs when you do not even step up to the plate.

You can hardly even guess how comprehensively you raise yourself up with even less effort than you're repeatedly, even routinely investing today... WHEN YOU SHUT UP YOUR OWN OPINIONS INTO A LOCKED CLOSET SO THAT YOU CAN ABSORB THE OPINIONS AND OBSERVATIONS OF PEOPLE REPEATEDLY DOING IT FAR BETTER THAN YOU (and in most all cases, more often).

The last ruby of all Ruby's Rubies. This Path of Amazing Success PowerGem is nothing less than a master secret of the universe. Asking even one to three questions of people you admire is a high-speed shortcut to you imitating their results. First, we imitate the action or the words or the questions or the attitude or even the physical postures of those we'd most like to successfully emulate or even surpass. Then, we enjoy the fruits and benefits of imitating their approaches, because imitating the approach is how we imitate the results.... ... and if "only" achieve half or three-quarters or even a tenth of what they do, we have our own personal, proven roadmap for repeating it, increasing yield more and more.

This PowerGem works towards becoming a world-class guitarist or world-class FOREX currency trader. Most every human skill can be developed to a professional, world-class level in as little as a hundred days or thereabouts. From brain surgery to tinkering with things most of us would rather not, the Path of Amazing Success challenges you to find and DEMONSTRATE any human endeavor that cannot be honed into world-class levels in just about a hundred days; There are few, if any.

Thanks to the development and expansive growth of the internet, you now have infinitely greater, easier, faster access to the humans you'd like most to ask questions of. Shhh. Speak less and ask more, if you can understand that. Ask, ask, ask. It IS a magical PowerGem of anyone's life. Proof, of course, is in the pudding. Shh. Speak less and ask more, if you please. Thank and pay homage to the Path of Amazing Success when you get to taste the fruits and beneficial energies of engaging the last Ruby.

The Last of Ruby's Rubies - Universal Path of Amazing Success

There's a growing body of evidence that I've become the most well-read person in all our recorded history,
averaging one or more books per day for more than 17,000 days.

Approximately seventy-five of those books have been read up to 9 or 10 times each. If only allowed to offer two authors to the world, I suppose they'd be James Herriot and Dr Maxwell Maltz.

Dr. Herriot, who strikes most readers as the world's greatest and funniest country veterinarian and wonderful human being, manages to deliver joy to the reader in living fully and richly on a day to day basis. Many positive lessons come from his books although his apparent goal was merely to entertain. What can be better for humans than edutainment? Although James Herriot may not have intended it, he shows us some of the most powerfully effective techniques for living fully and happily, not only in his professions, more importantly in his family life.

On the other hand, Dr. Maltz's best book illuminates ways for us to turn virtually any thought or desire into reality in 100 days or less, using the greatest shortcuts of those who do things best amongst us all, applying to any dream you might have. The book spawned at least 4,000 other books, and countless world records.

Dr. Maltz, through his tome of undeniable power, transferable power, gives us all the best of instruction. In "PsychoCybernetics, he is providing each one of us with a detailed plain, one that is offered with great precision. In short, Maxwell Maltz's book erases your excuses particularly because he is teaching exact steps that leave no room for doubt or excuses, just as Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" (more than 4,000 millionaires have publicly or privately stated very clearly that "Think and Grow Rich" was the most significant of catalysts in their becoming millionaires).

In fact, Dr Maltz, America's first 'premiere' plastic surgeon, turned away more candidates for vanity surgery than he accepted. With his simple book (fancy title of "PsychoCybernetics"), he so thoroughly teaches the most powerful of Life's master shortcuts that just this one book singledhandedly planted a seed that has grown into many thousands of carefully-researched books, tapes, videos, careers, even an industry.

The whole lot of them bring great messages: Harvey Mackay, Shakespeare, Napoleon Hill, Socrates, Lincoln, Sun Tzu, Epictetus…they're all great, they're all wise. From Goethe to Voltaire, Anthony Robbins to Zig Ziglar, Earl Nightingale, Brian Tracy, Dyer, Denis Waitley (a giant unto himself), Schuler, Peale, and literally every big name in peak performance… I have all their books, and tapes, some rather well-worn from repetition. Each became a paradigm of excellence in their fields, considered wise and wealthy, at least.
Basically, they all say the same few things.

  1. When it comes to truly effective shortcuts, those that are universally applicable and most commonly found to be the best shortcuts of masters and millionaires, you can be certain that flexible repetition is the basis of every human skill

  2. All great wisdom, all great wishes, and all great achievements, are brief, & can be "seen" on our mental video with emotion... and in writing.

  3. No matter what you point your finger at, it is made up of smaller components, which were assembled just one at a time, most often by taking it apart and working backwards.

99% of you are convinced that you understand these. Most of you are sadly mistaken, and the perfect proof? Look at your life. Either it's close to perfect, or it's not.

If it's heading towards perfection, it's because you do understand those few magical powers.

If it's not, it's because you do not understand those few magical powers.

Sorry to pop your bubble about how smart you think you are. Simple fact:

How smart you are is NOT determined by what you know.

How smart you are is determined by what you DO with what you know.

It's the only possible way you can prove to yourself, let alone to the world, whether or not you really do understand any given piece of wisdom.

The very same day that you understand that every single great person was considered a jerk or loser or average geek or boring or just fat or just this or that…. until the minute they made a decision to take at least one step towards a dream every single day, at least eight or nine days per week…that's the day your results will begin doubling QUICKLY.

Everything you have ever learned to do with excellence, such as speaking, or, the task you've spent more time on than any other in your life… tying your shoelaces (we try thousands of times before we get it), and everything else that you're good at….. look at the few rules of perfectly powerful shortcuts. They do not fail. That's why the US produced a new millionaire, on average, 899 times per day, seven days per week, for more than five years. Do you understand? 6,300 NEW US millionaires EVERY WEEK for seven years….328,571 new US millionaires every year for seven years.

Every piece of great wisdom, every single shortcut discovered or developed…

EVERY GREAT FACT OR OPINION… is connected to those items of wisdom.

  1. Flexible repetition is the cause of every human skill
  2. All great wisdom, wishes, & great achievements are briefly described, & can be "seen" on our mental video with emotion... and in writing.
  3. No matter what you point your finger at, it is made up of smaller components, which were assembled ONE at a time.


1) Repetition of a thought, or action, including asking.

2) Described briefly, "seen" on mental video... and in writing.

3) Smaller groups of constituent ingredients assembled into greater components ... just ONE at a time.

If you did nothing but focus on items 1, 2, and 3 above…. 14 minutes per day (that's 1% of your time), within 10 days you will see huge, huge, huge, huuuuuuuuuuge changes happening in your life. When you do begin to understand these 3 shortcuts at a deeper level than you do now, you'll use these awesome powers to revolutionize every facet of your life, personally, financially, professionally, sexually, & more, in less than a minute.

However arrogant this may sound, every month, I read more books than you read in a year. Every year or so, I read as much as most of you have read in your whole lives. Across fifty years, we guesstimate that I've read more than everyone you know… all added up together

We cannot identify a single example in human history of there having been even ONE SINGLE HUMAN BEING who succeeded without screwing up first. That's rule #1: they repeatedly try.

First they screw up, then they succeed.

They can tell you exactly what they want… in ten words or less.
They are very emotional about what they want!!

(They can tell you precisely WHY they want it and what they get out of it)

They ask more people to say "YES."

Should you be silly enough to undervalue the power of that statement, here's a suggestion:
Go find yourself a master or millionaire, Olympic Champion or billionaire; one who YOU think is successful, however you define successful. They ask themselves, and others, more times.

I promise & unconditionally guarantee they used that near-magical trio of shortcuts to success, whether or not they consciously realized it at the time. By the time they DO become world-class, they are consciously aware of this
Most reasonable people are likely to agree that I'm in an appropriate position to know this:   I personally interviewed and/or broke bread with 1,200 self-made millionaires, & have interviewed, spent time with, and/or dined with, and/or studied the in-depth lives, actions & words of more 5,200 of the most incredibly super-successful people on the planet.

That's precisely how MisterShortcut planted the seeds for articulating the Path of Amazing Success and Amazing Health Handbook. The Godfather of Shortcuts went from being a zero to proving more than a dozen surgeons wrong by defeating a wheelchair and worse (subsequent to being hit by drunk driver at 100+ MPH) earning serious sums of money just for speaking… and giving 95% of it away; broke or shattered no less than one hundred and seventy-seven records for five big NY companies, learned new languages in my late thirties; play guitar, piano, harmonica, autoharp, zither, and enough drums to get by, and have read so far nearly 17,000 books, along with countless magazines, treatises, 'white papers' and more; have solved many hundreds of the toughest word and crossword puzzles ever produced; learned how to paint, ride motorcycles, train animals and produce/direct commercials; speak on my own radio shows, and so much more, thanks to the people who did it first and did it better...
...and thanks to a simple, life-changing commitment of just fourteen minutes per day. It will quickly revolutionize your life.

MisterShortcut did not think to achieve these things through looks, brains, connections, or talent…because I have few of these qualities. I simply shut up and found five or more people doing it better than me, wrote or called them one at a time and said,

"We both know you're great at what you do, one of the best, and before I die I'd like to contribute to the world the way you do. May I buy you lunch or dinner so you can be my mentor for a half-hour?"
How many do you think responded affirmatively?

If you personally wrote or called with such a message to 900 of the most super-successful authors or businesspeople, how many do YOU think would respond affirmatively?

GUESS WHAT?? You haven't got the foggiest idea, and you have no right to a valid opinion until you do it!!!

It tends to be the same for everythingEVERYTHING WE DO:

Shut up until you've done it. Stop asking people who haven't done it.

Ask MORE of the people who HAVE done it. Not your mother or husband:
ask people who have
already done it or ARE DOING IT NOW!
They're the ONLY ones with the right to speak!

If you are, simply enough, adequately capable of reading this, and tying your shoelaces, you are capable of becoming rich and famous in 100 days or less, or making 99% of any and all human dreams come true in 100 days or less… or at the very, very worst and least, you will be closer to it in 100 days…..than you have gotten in all the years of your life… all added together up until now.

  • Just put your dream in writing
  • Put it on your mental video with emotion for just five uninterrupted minutes per day
  • Resolve to ask at least 3 people for help every day for 100 days.
Before 100 days have passed you will be far, far, FAR ahead of where you are right now. 32,000 human skills. Which one excites YOU the most?     It's YOUR turn!

  1. Flexible repetition is the cause of every human skill
  2. All great wisdom, wishes,& great achievements are briefly described, & can be "seen" on our mental video with emotion..
  3. Everything you touch is made up of smaller components, assembled ONE at a time.

        Are you getting the hint yet?         

What could POSSIBLY be stopping you from playing pretend for just 15 UNINTERRUPTED minutes pr day? I'm telling you, I'm assuring you with the utmost vigor of discourse, guaranteeing to you, UNCONDITIONALLY, that you playing your favorite mental video for 15 uninterrupted minutes per day will bring astonishing and wonderful and happy changes in your life WITHIN A WEEK OR TWO at most… or as quickly as a few minutes.

You are repeatedly told, balaboring the point if necessary, that you have no right to a valid opinion on any subject on this earth until you personally have CONSIDERABLE experience at it. Until then, please, please…. shut up.     Follow the steps of those you admire the most, whoever they are.

Not what you know…..
rather, what you DO with what you know.
THAT's what we'd like to know about you.

Whether today is a successful, and fulfilling, star-SPANGLED day for YOU,
as it certainly is for any of us who are living, breathing, and active, is, to the greatest extent that life allows, not much more, nor is it likely to be much less, than a choice... ...mine, and yours.     Go for the gold!!!

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MisterShortcut is pleased to present you with universal shortcuts for total winning.
When we imitate actions and attitudes of those repeatedly doing best, we tend to imitate their results.
Shapetalk and Shapetalking to Shapetalks and Shapelinks.com, all to help you reach YOUR ultimate score.

QRA is a Amazing Health Handbook Centerpiece - because it works!

Learning how to do the one-second energy test is a game-changer for your life. The Amazing Health Handbook warrants this.

Whether you learn it via BDORT or the easier, yet much more elegantly refined "QRA test, learning it is genuinely critical.
Make no mistake, this is NOT basic muscle-testing, the one-second energy test assays the body's bioenergetic strength.
Organs & glands, food, clothing, cellphones & fuseboxes, EVERYTHING is subject to the one-second energy test.

When you can instantly assess what makes you instantly test weak or strong, you can make much, much wiser decisions.
If holding your bed pillow, for example, against your chest makes you suddenly unable to hold thumb & finger tightly,
do you REALLY want to be sleeping with your face up against it for up to eight or more hours of sleeping? Really?

If a food that you enjoy, which, held against your chest makes you instantly unable to hold your O-ring tightly,
do you seriously think that such a food can extend the quality, let alone quantity of your life if you ingest it?

Learn about QRA testing, which only takes mere seconds to learn, and a couple of dozen practices to get good at.
Learn to do QRA testing, and see whether that expensive new supplement is wise for you to buy, or not purchase.

You cannot learn less about anything. True, or not?
Learn more, and you are more likely to live more.

QRA testing, and knowing how to skillfully use the QRA test, can extend the quantity and quality of your life.

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 The Path of Amazing Success aims to be the internet's largest personal empowerment website, with 1,000,000 web pages - all for YOU!

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                Fair enough?

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Dedicated to the wonderful Mnsr Bernard Francis Kellogg, such an amazing human;
and to the lasting gifts of those who give. They are the finest voices of a generation.

LastRuby here, and LastRuby there,
we're looking for those for which we care.
Make it all better, with all of your knowledge,
with all that you've learned 'long your way,

LastRuby here, and LastRuby there,
all to clean up, the old yesterdays.
New as can be, this last ruby of yours,
it opens up doors of finance and l'amour,
LastRuby this, and, sure, LastRuby also that,
Rubies are where the winner's mind is always at.
Reach for your Rubies, from the first up to your last,
and your life will be counted, among strictly first-class.
Embrace the last Ruby just as you did your first PowerGem,
and the selfish hell-bound shall never count you among them.
You are the jewel, and the promise of a future, one sweet and long,
using your last ruby, again and again, ensures that you, shall not go wrong.

Pay You
Say nay?
Ah Free
Ruby 2
Ben Rich
Last Ruby
It's YOU
Pay You
It's YOU
Health II
Pay You
Say nay?
Ah Free
Ruby 2
Ben Rich
Use It
Last Ruby
It's YOU